Pictures from trips to Eastern Europe
Over the past year, I’ve traveled to Eastern Europe several times to write journalistic reports. Naturally, I had my beloved Sony Alpha 7 II with me, capturing ...
Over the past year, I’ve traveled to Eastern Europe several times to write journalistic reports. Naturally, I had my beloved Sony Alpha 7 II with me, capturing ...
In November 2024, I traveled to Egypt’s New Administrative Capital, located 50 kilometers east of Cairo. Rising in the middle of the desert, the governmen...
Ende Juni 2024 bin ich die ersten drei Etappen des Pfunderer Höhenwegs gewandert. Ein paar fotografische Eindrücke.
Portraits of people I met during my trip to Egypt in January 2024. All pictures were taken with a Sony Alpha 7 II and a SEL85/1.8. Men were happy to be photogra...
Ein glückloser Fischer, couragierte Fußballfans, Gefühle beim Reisen und ein Unfall: Eindrücke meines Indonesien-Roadtrips, Teil 2. Es ist Samstagnachmittag in ...
Portraits of people I met during my trip to Indonesia in May and June 2023. All pictures taken with a Sony Alpha 7 II and SEL85/1.8.
Drei Vulkane, neue Freunde und ein Drink für die Götter: Eindrücke meines Indonesien-Roadtrips, Teil 1. Das Schöne an Problemen ist, dass man danach etwas zu er...
A few pictures from my trip to Lombok in May 2023. I’m in one of them. Can you spot me?
When I decided to go to Venice, I thought it was a good idea to travel in February to avoid the crowds. I had no idea that I had booked exactly for the famous V...
Der Vinschger Höhenweg ist einer der wenigen alpinen Fernwanderwege, die schon im Frühling und bis in den Herbst begehbar sind. Man übernachtet auf Bauernhöfen,...