Pictures from trips to Eastern Europe
Over the past year, I’ve traveled to Eastern Europe several times to write journalistic reports. Naturally, I had my beloved Sony Alpha 7 II with me, capturing ...
Over the past year, I’ve traveled to Eastern Europe several times to write journalistic reports. Naturally, I had my beloved Sony Alpha 7 II with me, capturing ...
Portraits of people I met during my trip to Egypt in January 2024. All pictures were taken with a Sony Alpha 7 II and a SEL85/1.8. Men were happy to be photogra...
Drei Vulkane, neue Freunde und ein Drink für die Götter: Eindrücke meines Indonesien-Roadtrips, Teil 1. Das Schöne an Problemen ist, dass man danach etwas zu er...
Bilder aus Sizilien Bilder aus Sri Lanka Namibia: Swakopmund und Windhuk (8 Bilder) Etoscha-Nationalpark (5 Bilder) Namibia on the road (u.a. Sossusvlei und Spi...
…in Dieburg in diesem Winter wurde natürlich genutzt, um mit der Kamera auf Streifzug zu gehen: